
For those not aware, a member of our congregation was approached by an anonymous donor who had heard of the outreach ministry we are doing in the region. In support of this, he pledged to match whatever we raised through parish donations in October. We’re pleased to let you know that we raised $3120 and the donor has matched that amount, for a total of $6240.

The matching campaign, as we have called it, is a huge “boost” for our Parish at a time when we are experiencing the pains of our growth and finding the length of our stride within the community while at the same time staying on track to meet our financial commitments. Good things happen when people come together to do good things and the vestry want to thank those that have made the matching campaign a success.

We also want to acknowledge all of you who, through your weekly offerings and your volunteer time, have developed the foundation and framework that is allowing the parish to become a leader in our community on many levels.

–       Liturgy enhanced with a first class band followed by a meal and fellowship.

–       Godly play and a Nursery, with motivated instructors, for the children.

–       Initiation and utilization of many adult Christian education and support programs.

–       The growth of our Emmaus café serving not only our parish but now hundreds of non-parishioners in our community.

–       The continued development of the Emmaus conference and learning centre with our All Saints Gift Shop.

In 2006 these were goals of a newly centralized Parish of the Resurrection determined to see our mission succeed. Look at us now! We are finally here! But we are not yet THERE! With your continued support, we will be! David Frost once said “Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally”. If you truly believe in what we are doing at the Parish of the Resurrection, please continue to actively invest in our parish, in our community and in ourselves. Our success will be your success! Your donations via your free will offerings and of your time are the things that are making the difference. Your continued support will make great things happen at the Parish of the Resurrection in 2014 and beyond.

The Vestry