Notices for Week of 30 January 2022

Notices: Proper 4, 30 January 2022

Dear friends,

In the Gospel for this Sunday, the people of Jesus’ home town of Nazareth get upset at him because they can’t see past the surface – they cannot see the Christ life that Jesus is opening up for them. Until we connect with the deeper experience of life in Christ, life in Love, reality will always be upsetting.  The mission of the church is to help us consciously connect with this deeper and unitive life that we call Christ. 

Love,Father Gerald+

The “Good Samaritan” Godly Play story is now available on our Facebook and YouTube channel to share with your children. 

Children’s Church and Confirmation classes will begin in-person on Sunday, February 6 at 11am. 

Group Meditation will resume in person on Wednesday, February 9 at 11am.

Questions of Life will begin in person on Wednesday, February 9th at 1pm. We will begin with, How Can I be Sure of my Faith?  Many people today are unsure of anything, including their faith. It’s a good time to discuss and share and hear from people like Nicky Gumbel, Richard Rohr and Steven Charleston. Come and share. Come early and have tea and scones. See you at the house!

Confirmation classes have begun. Children need to be in at least grade 6. Register with Carole Saunders at, or 680-0455. 

Life in the Eucharist classes will begin when in person gatherings are permitted. If you have a child or grandchild below 11 years of age and would like to have them participating in the Holy Communion, register with Father Gerald. 

The Anglican Charitable Foundation for Children is a fund that is available from our diocese for children in need. For more information contact Deacon Janet or Father Gerald. 

Resurrection Addictions Meetings are on line on Thursday and Sunday nights at 8pm using the following link: Join Zoom Meeting ID: 880 1009 7895

If you are interested in learning more about mindfulness and meditation, join us at the Resurrection on Wednesdays at 11am. Covid Protocols in place. These sessions are now being recorded and, if interested, you can watch and participate from home on our Facebook and Youtube channel. 

Please use eTransfers to to continue to support our ministry. You can also contact our treasurer Calvin Adams to set up automatic deposit. Or simply mail your offerings to Box 142 South River, A0A 3W0. 

You can watch and participate in our Sunday liturgy on our YouTube channel on our web page And also on our Facebook page.  

If you have any symptoms for cold or flu, please stay home. 

The Gospel Reading for Sunday, January 30: Luke 4:21-30
Preparing for Sunday Liturgy invites soul care. One of the ways to care for our souls is to daily and prayerfully reflect on the Gospel reading for the coming Sunday. A recommended way to do this prayerfully  each day is:

  1. Listening – read the Gospel passage over slowly, twice. Notice the word or phase that shimmers or stands out for you. Stay with that word or phrase for a few minutes in meditation.
  2. Meditation – spend a few minutes thinking about what that word or phrase means for you and for the community.
  3. Thanksgiving – next, spend a few minutes in thanksgiving for whatever spiritual fruits that may have come out of your meditation.
  4. Contemplation – to conclude this time of prayer, spend a few minutes simply resting in your awareness of God’s love for you and in you. 

As a way of inviting deeper listening for the Spirit during the Proclamation of the Word in the liturgy, the readings will now be introduced with “Listen for the Leading of the Spirit,” followed by silence, and then the Scriptural reading. We want to listen to the Word of God not only with our thinking minds, but more importantly, our spiritual hearts. We are listening for where God is leading us as individuals and as a community.

When making your wills, please remember the Parish of the Resurrection. 

A Version of the Lord’s Prayer out of the Prayer Book of the Anglican Church of New Zealand.
Eternal Spirit, Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, Life-giver,Source of all that is and that shall be,Father and Mother of us all, Loving God, in whom is heaven:
The hallowing of your name echo through the universe!The way of your justice be followed by the peoples of the world!Your heavenly will be done by all created beings!Your commonwealth of peace and freedom sustain our hope and come on earth.
With the bread we need for today, feed us.In the hurts we absorb from one another, forgive us.In times of temptation and test, strengthen us.From trials too great to endure, spare us.From the grip of all that is evil, free us.
For you reign in the glory of the power that is love, now and for ever. Amen.