Annual Free Will Contribution Report for 2022

Parish of the Resurrection

Annual Free Will Contribution Report for 2022

In the process of preparing for the 2022 annual meeting, the Parish’s Property and Finance Committee has the responsibility of reporting to you on our financial status, including a free will contribution report.

Our freewill contributions in 2022 was $93,000, representing 63% of our total expense budget of $148,000. The diocesan document “Thriving and Surviving” states that a healthy missional parish should have 87% of revenue coming from free will contributions. That means that we are 24% short on free will contributions for our overall budget needs. It is certainly our hope that we can increase our free will contributions in 2023.

In 2022 we had 127 contributors (39 less than 2021’s 166). That being said, our contributions were still in the same ball park. This indicates that a number of contributors gave significantly more to make up the shortfall.

Some of the loss in contributors in 2022 were those who joined us on line during the pandemic. We lost others during that same period of time who simply haven’t returned to the parish after the pandemic. We have also observed that a number of contributors gave less in 2022 in comparison to 2021.These are observations that we, as a community, need to be aware of, and hope that we can turn around.

Of the 127 people or families that financially contributed to the parish in 2022:

  • 69 (57%) gave less than $500.
  • 25 (20%) gave between $500 and $1000.
  • 28 (23%) gave over $1000.

Some of us are already budget stressed and give what we can afford. There are more of us who might be able to review their personal situation and reflect on last years contribution and make an attempt to raise their 2023 contribution.

You can use eTransfers to to continue to support our ministry. You can contact our treasurer Calvin Adams (589-6140) to set up automatic deposit. You can use envelopes on Sundays or other gatherings. Or simply mail your offerings to Box 142 South River, A0A 3W0.

Regardless of what you were able to give in 2022, we want to thank you for your generosity in supporting our shared ministry over the last year. The spiritual care, pastoral care, and outreach ministries of the Resurrection have a positive impact on those who experience the Resurrection as their spiritual home, and beyond. This parish does important work and ministry, and is a worthwhile cause for you to continue to financially support.


Property and Finance Committee