Parish Notices for Week of 21 May 2023

Notices: Ascension, 21 May 2023

Good day dear friends, 

This Sunday we will celebrate the feast of the Ascension. In the Ascension, the Lord is revealing to us that we must let go of the clinging and grasping of the physical in order to receive the spiritual. If we hold on to Jesus in purely physical concepts, we will not be able to become aware of the New Creation of Jesus’ Resurrected Body, the New Creation, the Christ that is within every one of us…the new creation that you and I already are, the Christ Life that we are.


Father Gerald+

Holy Communion every Sunday at 11am.

Our Wednesday Ministry – Scones and Tea, Group Meditation, Poetry, The Way of Love – will finish on May 17, and will resume after Labour Day. 

Resurrection Yoga will continue until the end of June. 

Please remember to bring items for the Helping Hand Basket. 

Suggested items for the Helping Hand

Peanut Butter, Jams, Tin Pasta or dry Pasta, Pasta sauce, Tin tomatoes, Can stew, Beans

Meatballs & gravy, Sugar, Tin milk, Cheese spread, Can vegetables, Juice, Flakes of Ham, Chicken, or Turkey, Soup’s.

Thank you for your continued support.

God Bless

Deacon Janet.

Our parish pantry is in need of some donations for our hospitality ministry: 

Flour, soft margarine, margarine in 3lb box, jam, 

baking powder, baking soda, vinegar 4L.Coffee, 

regular tetley tea, green tea, decaf tea.

Anglican Life serves as the newspaper for the three dioceses in Newfoundland & Labrador, offering subscribers a wealth of content. 

·         Readers can expect a diverse range of articles and images from numerous contributors.

·         The newspaper features regular and guest columnists who provide spiritual and thought-provoking insights on various subjects.

·         Subscribers will receive The Anglican Journal, the Anglican Church of Canada’s newspaper, which delivers news from across the country and around the world.

·         If you are a member of one of our congregations, you may subscribe to receive the church’s newspaper for FREE.

To subscribe, please contact The Rev’d Fred Marshall, Officer of the Anglican Joint Committee, at (709) 727-4346, or send an email to

Scent Free Environment: Many people now suffer from allergies. Please, when gathering in our House for the Church, refrain from wearing colognes and perfumes.

Please consider the Primate World Relief and Development Fund for donations to relief efforts around the world.

Father Richard Rohr is a contemporary leader in the deepening faith and spiritual practice movement throughout the Christian church. If you would like a little more help and encouragement in deepening your own faith and spiritual practice, in addition to what is available in our parish, go to, and at the top of that page, subscribe to Father Richard’s daily e-mails. I highly recommend it. 

A new six week Revive course has begun, “Called for Ministry.” Please keep this important discipling ministry in your prayer. 

“Revive” is a program that helps equip lay leaders to be spiritual leaders. The participants will learn about themselves and discern their life’s calling; explore their faith journey and enter into a relationship with God; enjoy a sense of community and deepened relationships with peers; gain confidence with prayer, scripture, and spiritual leadership; and discern gifts for their calling to serve God’s world. Please pray for those participating in this program this spring. 

When making an eTransfer to the parish at, please put in the memo note what the donation is for. 

If you are sick with any flu like symptoms, please stay home. 

“Come and see” (John 1:39). Remember to pray about and encourage your family and friends to share in our community of faith.

When making your wills, please remember the Parish of the Resurrection. 

Your Will can be a testament to your faith. Consider leaving a gift to your church. 

Why change a good Will? To include your church.

Bequests to churches provide tax credits to your estate.

A bequest to your church keeps on giving for years to come. 

The Sunday Liturgy is live steamed in real time on our Parish YouTube Channel at 11am on Sunday mornings (and can be watched anytime after that on YouTube).  It can also be picked up on our parish Facebook anytime after 12 noon on Sundays. 

For those joining us on-line, we invite you to use this prayer for Spiritual Communion: 

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are truly present in the Holy Sacrament. However, since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, I beseech you to come spiritually into my heart. I unite myself with you, and embrace you with all the affections of my soul. Let me never be separated from you. Let me live and die in your love. Amen. 

Please use eTransfers to to continue to support our ministry. You can also contact our treasurer Calvin Adams to set up automatic deposit. Or simply mail your offerings to Box 142 South River, A0A 3W0. 

The Christian Practice of Daily Prayer

As a Christian, in addition to the priority of the Sunday Liturgy, daily prayer, in some form, really should be part of our spiritual practice. Prayer, which takes many forms, is simply our approach to God. A daily prayer practice is about making room for the Divine in our awareness. A daily prayer practice is about consciously connecting with Christ. A daily prayer practice is about the practice of being in Love. 

A good time for daily prayer is at the beginning of the day, but you can find the time that works best for you. Some components to consider including in our daily prayer:

  • Bible or spiritual reading;
  • A time of noticing what the Spirit may be teaching or inviting from the reading;
  • A time of silence in God’s loving Presence; 
  • Intercessions for those in need and the world. 

There are also resources that we can use to assist our prayer, like the Book of Alternative Services and other types of prayer books, and other prayer resources like Day by Day. A resource that I like to begin my day with is Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations that you can sign up for at 

Of course, prayer is not just limited to when we sit with our prayer books and bibles. Prayer is everything that consciously connects us to God. Intentionally being in nature can be a form of prayer. Intentionally being with people you love is a form of prayer. Intentionally serving others is a form of prayer. And the list goes on and on. If our intention is to connect in Love, then it is a form of prayer. 

If you have any questions about your daily prayer life, or would like to be supported in any way, please contact myself or any of the various leaders in the parish.