Letter from the Parish Treasurer

June 4, 2023

Letter from the Treasurer

Hello to our Church family and those who consider the Parish of The Resurrection their Spiritual Home. We hope that all is well with you, your family and friends.

We have been very fortunate to have come through the challenges associated with the post Covid-19 pandemic during 2022.  Many thanks to all of our Parishioners and the overall Church family for working with us and supporting all of our ministries to maintain our financial commitments during those difficult times.

The Parish held its Annual Meeting on Sunday, April 23, 2023 for both the 2021 and 2022 Annual Reports. The meeting was well attended and both reports were reviewed/discussed and accepted.

Our Sunday Liturgy attendance numbers are still somewhat lower then anticipated but have recently shown some positive increases. Direct Deposit along with EFT (Electronic Fund Transfers) make up the larger portion of our regular freewill contributions  but are still somewhat below what is required to meet the Parish’s expenditures. We would like to thank all of you who participated very much for taking advantage of these convenient payment methods of supporting the Parish. It was greatly needed and appreciated!

As indicated in Father Gerald’s “Annual Free Will Contribution Report For 2022” from the Property and Finance Committee, our freewill contributions for 2022 was $84,500, 60% of our total expense budget of $148,000. The Diocesan document “Thriving and Surviving” states that a healthy mission parish should have 87% ($128,000) of revenue coming from freewill contributions, this represents a significant shortfall. We were very fortunate that our fundraising activities made up the shortfall. We as a Parish understand that we may always have to participate in fundraising activities but we have to strive to be less dependent on these activities to meet our financial obligations.

Our challenge for 2023 is to make every effort to increase our freewill contributions to move closer to our target of 87% of our revenue to meet expenditures. With your continued support, we feel that we will be able to meet our financial obligations and remain viable as a Parish.

If you have not already done so, please consider our Pre-authorized Debit Program (Direct Deposit) or simply emailing your offerings by EFT to finance@anglicanresurrection.com

Thank you and God bless.

Calvin Adams
