Parish Notices for Week of 6 August 2023

Notices: Proper 18, 6 August 2023

Good day dear friends,

This Sunday we will hear the Gospel story of the feeding of the 5000. This story is about many thing, but foundationally is about our need for God, our hunger for God. Until you begin to recognize this spiritual or inner need (it is in your DNA, it is how you are made), and to respond to it, there will always be something missing in your life. You cannot be complete or made whole without responding to your need for God, your need for Christ, your need for deep Divine Love. 


Father Gerald+

AA at the Resurrection on Thursday nights at 8pm in the St.George Conference Room,info contact Deacon Gladys Harvey at 683-2266

The Sunday Liturgy is live steamed in real time on our Parish YouTube Channel at 11am on Sunday mornings (and can be watched anytime after that on YouTube).  It can also be picked up on our parish Facebook anytime after 12 noon on Sundays. 

For those joining us on-line, we invite you to use this prayer for Spiritual Communion: 

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are truly present in the Holy Sacrament. However, since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, I beseech you to come spiritually into my heart. I unite myself with you, and embrace you with all the affections of my soul. Let me never be separated from you. Let me live and die in your love. Amen. 

Please use eTransfers to to continue to support our ministry. You can also contact our treasurer Calvin Adams to set up automatic deposit. Or simply mail your offerings to Box 142 South River, A0A 3W0. 

Scent Free Environment: Many people now suffer from allergies. Please, when gathering in our House for the Church, refrain from wearing colognes and perfumes.

Please consider the Primate World Relief and Development Fund for donations to relief efforts around the world.

Father Richard Rohr is a contemporary leader in the deepening faith and spiritual practice movement throughout the Christian church. If you would like a little more help and encouragement in deepening your own faith and spiritual practice, in addition to what is available in our parish, go to, and at the top of that page, subscribe to Father Richard’s daily e-mails. I highly recommend it. 

When making an eTransfer to the parish at, please put in the memo note what the donation is for. 

If you are sick with any flu like symptoms, please stay home. 

“Come and see” (John 1:39). Remember to pray about and encourage your family and friends to share in our community of faith.