Retirement Announcement
26 November 2023
Dear friends in Christ,
The book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a time for everything under the sun. Everything in life changes, everything in life passes, nothing stays the same. After 25 years as your parish priest, my time as the rector of the parish of the Resurrection has now passed. With much prayer and discernment, I have decided that it is not only time for me to step down as your pastor in order to make space for a new priest to enter the community and to lead it, but it is also time for me to retire from full time ministry. My official retirement date will be the 31st of December, 2023.
As I continue to prepare for this transition, my heart is filled with gratitude. Gratitude for an amazing journey over the last 25 years as your priest. We have all been part of the phenomenal transformation of the four point parish of Brigus-South River into what we now know and celebrate as the single point parish of the Resurrection. We have all evolved and changed over these years, ever becoming a more loving and inclusive spiritual community, engaged in meaningful and relevant ministry in our region. I am so grateful to God to have had this opportunity to journey with you and to be part of this amazing community of the Resurrection.
The people of this community of faith and the mission that we have shared in has meant so much to Valerie, myself and our family. You will be forever in our hearts. We love you and have been very blessed to know you as our family.
I will have to stay away from the parish for some time to allow a new priest to become your pastor. In time it is my hope to return to the community and offer a supportive role in the shared ministry of the community. In the meantime, you will be happy to know that Valerie will be staying on with her music ministry, and the various other ways that she contributes to the life of the parish.
Trusting that the Holy Spirit is directing our lives, and is always with us in the ever changing and evolving life of the Church.
Always in Love with you in Christ,
Father Gerald+