Notices for Week of 3 December 2023

Notices: Advent 1, 3 December 2023

Good day dear friends,

This Sunday, the first of Advent, we will hear the Gospel story where Jesus invites us to be spiritually awake. The invitation is to nurture the practice of noticing the Love within us, our deepest and Christ  identity, ever emerging and seeking to connect with every other person and all of creation. “Prepare the Way of the Lord.” 

As we lean into the transitioning that my upcoming retirement will bring for all of us, let us be spiritually awake, noticing how the Spirit is within us and with us now, and what newness the Holy Spirit will be inviting in the weeks, months and years ahead. 


Father Gerald+

A Retirement Celebration for Father Gerald is planned for 6pm on Saturday, December 9 at the Mercantile in Brigus. A three course meal (DJ and dance) is $25. Tickets to be purchased by December 6. For tickets contact Joe Skanes (709) 787-0015, Roy Mercer (709) 222-4493, Pat Mahoney (709) 683-2932 or Deanna Spicer (709) 589-5340.

Our annual online Christmas auction will begin on November 30th at 7pm and continue until December 5th at 9 pm.  Pickup date and Christmas Bake sale will be on Saturday, December 9th 

Our ticket sale on a complete Christmas dinner will begin this week. Draw date will be on Sunday, December 17th. 

The link for this year’s online Christmas auction is below. Just cut and paste into your browser. The auction starts on November 30 at 8pm, and will run until 9pm on December 5. 

Thank you for your love and support in our shared ministry at the Resurrection.

The Sacrament of Confirmation classes will begin on Sunday, January 14. Register with Carole Saunders at (709) 680-0455 or

Community Breakfast: After feedback and further reflection on our recent increase in the cost of our monthly breakfast, we have decided to adjust the price to $12 per plate. Thank you for your support in this vital parish ministry. 

Please remember to bring items for the Helping Hand Basket. 

Suggested items for the Helping Hand

Peanut Butter, Jams, Tin Pasta or dry Pasta, Pasta sauce, Tin tomatoes, Can stew, Beans

Meatballs & gravy, Sugar, Tin milk, Cheese spread, Can vegetables, Juice, Flakes of Ham, Chicken, or Turkey, Soup’s.

Thank you for your continued support.

God Bless

Deacon Janet.

When making an eTransfer to the parish at, please put in the memo note what the donation is for. 

The Sunday Liturgy is live streamed in real time on our Parish YouTube Channel at 11am on Sunday mornings (and can be watched anytime after that on YouTube).  It can also be picked up on our parish Facebook anytime after 12 noon on Sundays. 

For those joining us on-line, we invite you to use this prayer for Spiritual Communion: 

Lord Jesus, I believe that you are truly present in the Holy Sacrament. However, since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, I beseech you to come spiritually into my heart. I unite myself with you, and embrace you with all the affections of my soul. Let me never be separated from you. Let me live and die in your love. Amen. 

Please use eTransfers to to continue to support our ministry. You can also contact our treasurer Calvin Adams to set up automatic deposit. Or simply mail your offerings to Box 142 South River, A0A 3W0. 

“Come and see” (John 1:39). Remember to pray about and encourage your family and friends to share in our community of faith.